
Societe Generale in Italy

Societe Generale and its long-lasting presence in the country

Societe Generale, a top tier European Bank, has been present in Italy since 1967. With around 2,000 employees in the country, it offers advice and services to private, corporate and institutional clients.

The Group is represented in Italy by:

Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking (SG CIB) - Strategic advisory and capital raising solution

Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS)which provides a full range of securities services and ranks among the top tens global custodians

Societe Generale Private Banking 

Ayvens - Mobility and Fleet management 

Fiditalia - Consumer Credit

Societe Generale Factoring

Societe Generale Insurance -Life Credit Insurance and Personal Protection with Sogecap and non-Life Insurance with Sogessur

For more information about Societe Generale Group worldwide, visit our website: www.societegenerale.com